The plant is completely self-sufficient, independent object, intended for autonomous existence of artists within it. In the plant there is all you need for work, creativity and leisure activities: workshops for artists of different media, lecture, exhibition and sports halls, cinemas, platforms for free expression of political views, parks and fountains, libraries, restaurants, sexual services and so on .
The system of money relations is absent, it is replaced by barter: the art is exchanged for the necessary materials and food. At the factory there is separate entrance for collectors, gallery owners and dealers. It leads into special exhibition hall, which hosts exhibitions of pieces of art created at the factory. In these halls artistic product is exchanged for food and supplies. There is a special entry for trains deliver all the necessary. Sometimes the state, on whose territory the plant, allocates food, materials, tools, as a grant for his achievements in art and culture.
Everything that the artists have to do - permanently artistry. An artist can manage his time on his own. Level of the artist's life will depend on the quantity and the quality of his artistic production. At the factory there is a special store for the best works of art. Unclaimed art or art that Council recognized the poor quality may be recyclable. Members of Expert Art Council of the plant are elected by open vote from the most skilled artists.
All interested persons are entitled to apply for a plant. Any person who considers himself an artist, can fill out a questionnaire and enter the plant. But any artist can be expelled for lack of artistic production during the stay at the factory. The artist must create at least one work of art within six months. Violation of moral laws is considered in the context of art by an expert group.
Similar plants should be established in all countries. Buildings and territories of the former industrial enterprises can be used to create them. As a sample is taken Krasnodar plant instrumentation (ZIP). The facade of the plant remains unchanged, but the internal planning and structure is completely redesigned for the new needs.